"Don't mind me if I fall asleep. I'm not a fan and its early."
That's exactly what I said to my date before walking in to see the new movie in 3D. To my surprise I loved every minute & wanted more when the credits rolled. Here's why....
1. 3D was AWESOME
The first couple of minutes into the film justified why we paid a little extra for the silly glasses.
Plus the lightsaber scenes & weather elements in the movie were intensified with the 3D effect.
2. No need to see previous Star Wars films
Probably the best way to recruit new fans since movie goers like me just wanted to see what all the hype was about.
In fact, after the movie I was curious to see older films so I could really connect the dots but it's not necessary.
This picture was taken about two weeks after the premiere & still it's dominating at the box office.
3. BB-8
I fell in love with this character or droid in the movie!Not to mention anytime I head his name 'BB-8' I kept thinking of BBVA! It made the feel like there was a real Houston connection.
Enjoy & of course, may the force be with you!